Summer News - Moving to Edinburgh and More

Just in time for Summer, we’re excited to announce that the GRILL is joining the University of Edinburgh School of Informatics. Starting in the Autumn, we will be part of the Institute for Language, Cognition and Computation (ILCC), one of the world’s leading groups in NLP and language technologies.

The GRILL PI, Jeff Dalton, received a prestigious University of Edinburgh Chancellor’s Fellowship in “Data, Digital, and Artificial Intelligence”, an investment in leaders with a vision to empower new innovative research and forge industry partnerships. See the announcement from the University and School of Informatics.

We look forward to being part of these ambitious goals and continuing our group’s research on developing the future of conversational AI assistants like Alexa, ChatGPT, and beyond. And collaborating with future students and colleagues in the ILCC and Edinburgh NLP to realize this vision.

As part of this transition, the GRILL Lab name is also updating its full name to: “Generalized Representation and Information Learning Lab”.

More news:

  • Jeff Dalton will be a visiting professor at Bloomberg AI in London working on retrieval, large language models (BloombergGPT), including knowledge graph and conversational systems.
  • Ph.D. student Carlos Gemmell is doing a research internship at Meta in London on the future of tool-enabled language models.
  • Lab members will present at the first UK AI Fellows conference (UKAI2023) next week.
  • And there are multiple research publications at SIGIR - stay tuned for more details!

The GRILL lab will have an opening for a postdoc research position in Conversational AI at the University of Edinburgh starting in Autumn 2023. Please reach out via email or social media to Dr. Dalton directly for details.
